Give in Memory of Caleb Stavrou

CAA has been a blessing to the Stavrou family. Please consider blessing CAA, in memory of Caleb.

Give in Memory of Caleb Stavrou image


raised towards $5,000 goal



We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

CAA has been a blessing to the Stavrou family. Please consider blessing CAA, in memory of Caleb.

Our son, Caleb Stavrou, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on May 12th. As this news has traveled through our family, friends, and community, we are all shocked. Unfortunately, we do not know what happened, which is heart breaking for our family. The medical examiner found no immediate answers so we will likely not know for weeks.

Caleb, our son/brother/nephew/friend to so many, was a kid who lit up the room and had a zest for life.He was a kind and happy kid. An eighth grader at Elkridge Landing Middle School, Caleb was a foodie who loved his family, friends, his beloved dogs, gaming and a variety of sports.

When thinking of a charity to donate funds in memory of Caleb, we noted that the Christian Athletic Association (CAA) had been a locally operated organization where Caleb, my older son Paul, and I all enjoyed playing soccer and bonding with team members in a supporting, loving Christian based environment. Like many organizations, CAA was greatly impacted by the pandemic and we are hoping that you would help us donate to the “In Memory of Caleb Stavrou” campaign to help support CAA.
